Situation vacant: the job that makes you happy. Will you apply?

Quitting work for happiness

I’ve got a few friends in the process of changing careers and I’m really excited for them. There’s a powerful energy in the air right now, inspiring people to take steps in new directions. As I’ve discussed on this blog before, 2015 is facilitating life changes big and small.
Considering we spend more hours at work than in any other capacity, it’s crazy to even consider languishing in a profession that makes you unhappy. Yet a lot of people who book angel readings tell me they are feeling trapped in jobs that bring them neither challenge nor satisfaction. This is something I really struggle to relate to – thank God.
When I was at high school I had a friend who really wanted to become a teacher but her parents discouraged her from pursuing this profession because her earning capacity would be low. I’m so grateful that my parents imposed no such pressure on me – they gave me the freedom to choose a career that I knew was right for me, irrespective of financial factors; journalism was never going to make me a millionaire. Although I’m currently changing the scope of my work to include reiki and face-to-face angel card readings (stay tuned for updates soon!), I’ve really enjoyed my time in magazines and, until recently, I haven’t been bored. My creativity has always had room to flourish, which was a priority for me from the outset.
Are you in the wrong job?
Last weekend I went away with a group of friends, and during one of our chats a mate told me that in 10 years of employment he’s never had a job that fulfils him. He’s taking steps to rectify that now (yay). I don’t have any advice for anyone in this situation – it’s your life, and only you can figure out how to make yourself happy – but I would like to pose this question to you: if you know what you want to do but you’re not doing it, what is holding you back? If it’s money, I’d gently suggest you re-evaluate your relationship with money. I’m sure that, like myself, you know plenty of people earning six-figure salaries who hate their jobs. Those people are spending copious amounts of that money trying to make themselves feel better – and that coping mechanism is not working. Truthbomb right here: work does not have to be an endurance test.
If it’s the time required to retrain in a new career that’s holding you back, consider this: time is going to pass anyway. You may as well spend that time getting to where to want to go. This is not just a job, it’s the vast majority of your waking hours, and you have a lot of say in how you spend them. You are not trapped. Even though there’s no such thing as a perfect job – every role has its drudgery and dramas, God knows – there is such a thing as a job that makes you feel content, fulfilled and, ideally, valued. Go after that. It’s worth the time and financial disruption. It’s worth the punt.
This is, after all, the only life you get.*

PS: You’ll notice my post is missing a familiar but tired cliché... you know the one: ‘Find a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.’ I haven’t busted that out because I think it’s misleading. Even when you enjoy what you do, work is still work – no matter how fulfilling it is. If I had a choice between poolside cocktails and filling out my GST return, you can bet I’d choose the former.

*Not strictly true, from a spiritual perspective, as we all get multiple lifetimes… but let’s not muddy the waters….