In praise of spiritual men

Hot topless man meditating

A while ago I attended a one-day course at my local Buddhist centre which was both uplifting and grounding at the same time. Anyway, one of the main things that struck me was the number of men in attendance. Out of a class of 100, there were maybe 40 men. By comparison, last year I attended a three-day spiritual workshop which was maybe 10 per cent men.
What's this all about? Is it that women, being more emotional creatures (which is a GOOD thing, FYI), are more likely to feel an affinity with matters spiritual? Or is there some sort of stigma about spiritualism, ie is it incompatible with conventional ideas about masculinity? If that’s the case, we definitely need to have a conversation. Because – and I can only speak for myself – I think a self-aware, questioning, deep-thinking man is highly attractive :)
Men who mediate – yes please. Bros who do yoga (broga?) – yes and yes.