Every year, one day in particular gets circled in the calendar of many an astrologer. Considered the luckiest day, or ‘the day of miracles’, it’s the date when the Sun and Jupiter make sweet music together. In 2021, that day is January 28 – which also happens to be a full moon (we’ll get to that in a minute). Here’s what you need to know about the Sun and Jupiter conjunction.
Why is January 28 significant?
In astrology, the way planets interact with each other, and where, creates energetic shifts many of us are impacted by. The Sun (technically not a planet, but considered one in astrology) and Jupiter are both planets that tend to expand the energy wherever they land. So when they form a ‘conjunction’ – which means they are 0 degrees apart, regarded as a positive relationship – the energetic impacts are considered to be great news for all humans.
The Sun is all about drama, ambition, joy, creativity, generosity and our capacity to ‘shine’. Jupiter represents expansion, optimism, learning and authenticity. That conjunction combo of optimism and opportunity could mean anything from unexpected windfalls to synchronistic breakthroughs.
(Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash)
And the fact that this conjunction is happening in Aquarius, the sign of humanitarianism, innovation, the future and social connectiveness, could mean big shifts on a global scale.
What can I expect?
To maximise this energy, it’s a good idea to focus on something you want to create in your life and put it out to the Universe. Even better, actively take steps towards what you want – I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the Universe responds better to action than mere wishes.
(Photo by Linus Nylund on Unsplash)
Jupiter has big energy, so think BIG. And if your dream encompasses your natural talents (ie where you shine) and will benefit others in some way, that’s very much in alignment with this astro energy.
What about the full moon?
Full moons are traditionally a time of new breakthroughs and letting go of the old. The full moon is happening in Leo, the sign of big-heartedness, bravery, romance, play, leadership and major confidence. So this could be a great time to embrace new opportunities you’re presented with, particularly in your love, social or work life.
Alternatively, it would be a great time to work on releasing anything that’s getting in the way of what you want to manifest – for example, attachments to old ideas you’ve outgrown, such as ‘I must stay in this job for two years for the sake of my professional reputation’. Focus on anything blocking you from opening your heart and being more courageous.
Note: The full moon occurs early on Friday morning here in Sydney, and early Thursday afternoon in New York, but regardless of where you are, the energy will be high throughout Thursday. The energy leading up to a full moon can be felt up to two weeks before, depending on how sensitive you are.