After the upheaval of 2020, many people are looking forward to 2021 with a palpable sense of relief. The approach of a new year is so exciting, isn’t it? It promises to clear the slate of past disappointments and deliver something better. Trouble is, many people find themselves feeling exactly the same way 12 months later… still waiting for that thrilling transformation to materialise, and holding a vague sense of disappointment about the year just passed. So how can we make sure the new year actually comes through with better outcomes?
Now, before you cringe, let me make it clear that this isn’t about new year’s resolutions, which – statistically speaking – are unlikely to be successful. It’s more about the bigger picture of what you want your life to look like. It’s also about you taking charge and making necessary changes, rather than simply hoping things will get better. And no, you don’t need to wait for the calendar to turn over to get started. Here are some tips that may help…
(Photo by Emiliana Hall on Unsplash)
1. Be clear on what you want
I know this sounds really obvious, but many people really don’t know what they want. They only know they want something better or different to what they’ve currently got. But if you want divine support, you need to be specific about what you want. Try to frame it from a positive stance rather than disappointment about what hasn’t worked. For example, instead of ‘I want to not be single any more’ go with something like ‘I want to attract a healthy long-term relationship’.
If this is hard for you, ask yourself: am I afraid of being disappointed? Sometimes that fear can stop people from setting a clear direction (in other words, a form of self-protection). Another thing that comes up is people whose whole lives have been about serving and rescuing other people can find it uncomfortable or even wrong to focus on themselves. There may even be self-worth issues at play. If any of this resonates with you, hit me up about energy healing work to work through these underlying issues.
2. Take an active role in your own transformation
(Photo by Jessica Lee on Scopio)
I meet so many people who live in a sort of ‘waiting room’, expecting the Universe to show up with changes like an Uber-style delivery. It’s true that the Universe can bring through changes out of the blue, but this rarely happens without you moving in the right direction first. The Universe responds to action. Read that again.
I’ve said in the past that my relationship appeared when I wasn’t focusing on it, which is true (read more about that here), but I was still an active participant in that manifestation process. I had been doing a lot of healing work to clear the energetic blocks and limiting beliefs that had been keeping the relationship at bay, and was focusing on improving my relationship with myself.
Instead of waiting around for the right opportunity to come up, create a plan for how you can take action and increase the flow of positive outcomes your way – for example, if it’s a career transformation you want, working on your résumé or booking sessions with a career coach.
3. Review the current year
My spiritual coach often says: ‘Without self-reflection there is no growth’. It’s super important to be checking in regularly to make sure you’re still heading in the right direction. This year (2020) has forced people to sit with their thoughts and reflect on their lives without constant busyness to distract them, and that has led many to make necessary changes in their lives – ending relationships and starting new education pathways, for example.
If change is important to you, sometime before the end of 2020 you might like to spend half an hour with a notebook and pen, reflecting on:
· What did you learn this year?
· What progress did you make towards the goals you had set towards the start of the year?
· Where did you go off track, and why?
· Considering the things that didn’t go so well, were there any patterns (eg people mistreating you in a similar way) that could indicate a need for healing or therapy?
· How do you intend to approach these situations differently moving forward?
These may give you an indication of areas to focus on in 2021.
(Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash)
4. Confront your fear of change
If change freaks you out, welcome to the human race. Sorry if that sounds flippant – what I mean is, all humans find change scary, because it puts them in a situation they can’t control and where their emotional safety is not guaranteed. With that said, some people are excessively fearful of change, which can drive behaviours such as procrastination and self-sabotage. If your level of fears around change are really strong, it’s worth reflecting on what’s going on underneath. What is it that you’re most afraid of, and how is that showing up in your life? Consider working with a spiritual coach or energy healer to help you manage these fears, so you can move forward in spite of them.
If you’d like to work with me to heal any of the issues in this article, such as fear or confidence issues, you can book energy healing sessions here. More information about how I work is available here.