Has this ever happened to you? You know that you have the right skill set for a fantastic job opportunity you really want, but you talk yourself out of applying, or you don't quite sell yourself in the interview. Or your partner assures you that they are not going to leave you, but on a deep level you can't help constantly expecting them to walk out the door.
When we act in ways that go against what we know on an intellectual level, it's often because there's something in our energy field – an unconscious belief – working against us. It might be something like, 'I don't deserve good things' or 'I'm not good enough' – and even though you know logically that that just isn't true, something within you keeps attaching to that limiting belief.
Unfortunately, what many people don't understand about manifesting is that all the manifesting in the world won't help you get what you want if there's something in your energy blocking you from attracting your desired outcome.
In this article for the Clouds + Dirt community, I explain the gap between what you know and what you believe, and how to bring them together. Click here to read it.