Angel messages for each sign in March 2018, via my monthly Miss FQ column.
PISCES (February 19-March 20)
Emoji: Unicorn
Namaste, or nama-slay? This month some Pisceans will take great leaps forward, while others will retreat inwards and confront their inner demons. If you’ve got #goals and you’re mega thirsty, try capitalising on this energy by working with the Universe to go further… (read more)
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
Emoji: Tantrum face
Deep breaths, Aries. March could have you chucking Tasmanian Devil-style tantrums, and the Universe is asking you (just like it did at the start of 2018) to calm your farm. As the youngest astro sign, you’ve got a tendency for… (read more)
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
Emoji: Sweary face
Go your own way this month, Taurus. Social tensions could strike, leaving some of you maybe feeling like you don’t really fit in – which meant social death back in high school, but is actually fine as an adult… (read more)
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
Emoji: Pad and pencil
If there’s a theme for you in 2018, it’s this: getting shit sorted. With Jupiter, the planet of expansion, in your sixth house of organisation, the Universe is throwing down a challenge: streamline your life, or potentially end the year in a total freakin’ shambles... (read more)
CANCER (June 22-July 22)
Emoji: Prayer hands
Forecast for March: cloudy with a chance of control freak. From March 17 until May, Mars, the planet of action, is in your eighth house of long-term relationships, meaning you could find yourself… (read more)
LEO (July 23-August 22)
Emoji: Wind
Ch-ch-changes. Some Leos may be hammered with issues from the past rearing their ugly heads (exes, old adversaries and related dramas). Others may be feeling a little frustrated as the winds of changes blow through your life… (read more)
VIRGO (August 23-September 22)
Emoji: Four-leaf clover
Are you feeling lucky, Virgo? This month is cranking! First, there’s a hook-up between Venus, planet of love, and Jupiter, the lucky planet, on March 1 making your own hook-up chances higher than… (read more)
LIBRA (September 23-October 23)
Emoji: Money bag
Ka-ching! March could take you from go to dough, Libra. Not only is the full moon in your sign on March 31, rounding off a stellar month and giving you a chance to do a total life reset, you’ve also got… (read more)
SCORPIO (October 24-November 21)
Emoji: Brain
Here’s the thing about Scorpios: you spend waaaay too much time living in your head, mulling over e’rything, but RN the Universe wants to get you out of thinking mode and into action mode… (read more)
SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21)
Emoji: Prayer hands
Between the gym, drinks, work, drinks, family, drinks and back again, Sagittarians live life to the max. This month, unforch, the Universe is urging you to hit the brakes (major buzzkill). Less time doing, and more time being, is the game plan for March… (read more)
CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)
Emoji: Pondering face
You’ve got the power! With Saturn, the planet of discipline, in your sign, the Universe wants you to start designing a brand new life. What do you want your Insta bio to say about you in two years’ time?...
AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18)
Emoji: Bunny ear girls
Last month was rough for Aquarians, with two mega-powerful eclipses shaking up your relationships, goals and pretty much e’rything. It might have felt like your squad was tossed about in a cocktail shaker (but without the yummy result)… (read more)