Here’s why I use angel cards in my work.
I’m focused on empowering people to step up in their lives, rather than making predictions about their future. That’s why I use angel cards in my energy healing sessions. I believe the future is something you create yourself, and my aim is to help you do that by identifying and healing the areas where you’re stuck.
Here are some situations that may be helped by using angel cards, and some that will not.
If you’re struggling to move on with your life…
Good news – helping people get unstuck is my specialty. By working with the angels, I can shine a light on why you might be stuck in a loop and getting the same (unwanted) results. And as an energy healer, I’m able to help you work through these blocks, shifting fears, long-held emotional pain and limiting beliefs once and for all (more info on my healing sessions here).
If you’re considering a new job/move/relationship and want to get some guidance from your angels…
You’ve come to the right place! Your angels will give you guidance on whether this is the right decision for you. They won’t make the decision for you, but they’ll give you a steer. Ultimately you have free will over your own life choices.
If you want someone to tell you what you should be doing with your life – or maybe even fix your life for you…
The angels’ job is to empower and guide you, not to swoop in and rescue you. They’ll give you tips on how to rescue yourself, though – which is infinitely more useful. And they’ll likely only give you the first few steps of the journey ahead, rather than mapping it all out. For example, they probably won’t tell you that you will become a motivation speaker in five years’ time but they might highlight self-employment and suggest you start building your confidence and communication skills.
If you’ve hit a rough patch in your relationship and want guidance on whether to stay or go….
Although the angels can’t make this decision for you, they will identify whether your relationship needs more work (and, often, what some of those issues are) or whether it is time to move in a new direction – whatever that might look like.
If you want to receive a message from a loved one who has passed on…
I communicate with the guardian angels that the Universe has assigned to be by your side throughout your life, who give you enduring protection and guidance. They are not the same as humans who have passed on into the next world. If you’re looking to contact a loved one, you might prefer to book an appointment with a medium.
If you are in a hurry…
I am generally booked at least a week in advance, sometimes longer (depending on demand).
To book a session with me, click here.